ACES Team: Serbia, Bulgaria,Czech Republic

ACES Team: Serbia, Bulgaria,Czech Republic
Petra,Milica,Danijel,Boban,Jana and Veselina

четвртак, 28. фебруар 2013.

From The Exhibition / Sa Izlozbe

The exhibition is opened and now you have 10 more days to visit it again or go for the first time. It was very lovely and Radul Begov Konak was full! Thank you all for coming.We hope you liked our works and other works at the exhibition!
Here are some photos and a video with all the exhibits.

And the video  ...

Preparation for the Exhibition / Pripreme za Izlozbu

Dear readers,

just to share some photos with you from the preparation of the ACES: THE DREAM exhibition which will take place in Radul Begov Konak, in Zajecar, with the opening at 18h today! I was there the whole morning, in the company of Nina Pogarcic from the museum, preparing and selecting the works, rearranging the flowers, moving the paintings and so on ...
Unfortunately, some of the works will not be at the exhibition, but will be presented in the school. 

Professor Boban


среда, 27. фебруар 2013.

Exhibition: Invitation, Poster and a Catalogue / Izlozba: Pozivnica, Poster i Katalog

Dear readers,
So, here it is ... the invitation, poster for the ACES: THE DREAM exhibition and a catalogue :)
It took me more than 40 hours of work to get all done! But it was worthy and I like the result. I hope the opening of the exhibition tomorrow will go just great ... And that people will like what my students did, what they selected and what I did :) 
It was really a hard work, though beautiful! I do not complain. I just wish some of the people / colleagues have shown more appreciation about the whole exhibition project  ( at least )... Because it is something unique, not only for our school, but for the National museum in Zajecar as well. But, since they did not, it is all good! At least, I have learned that I can pull all off on my own without anyone's help. And to be frank, the success is all the more sweeter! :)
So, enjoy ...


уторак, 26. фебруар 2013.

On TV / Na TV-u

This evening, for the 3rd time, the three of us: Milica Ivanis, Aleksandar Jovanovic and Marija Prvulovic have been guests at the regional BEST TV along with our teacher Boban where we talked about our ACES project and upcoming exhibition in Radul Begov konak on Thursday!
The exhibition will open at 18h.

Here is a photo of us in the studio with our tv host Danijela.


субота, 23. фебруар 2013.

Paintings for the Exhibition / Slike za Izlozbu

So, we have been creative the real artists and we have painted some new works on canvas! It was an exciting experience and we loved it very much! For sure, we will continue to paint. And here are the paintings that will be at the exhibition

                                                                               Sara S
                                                            Marija P and Natasa P
                                                                          Milica T
                                                                      Andjelija D
                                                                        Andjela B
                                                                       Nevena P
                                                                         Milica N

понедељак, 18. фебруар 2013.

Preparation For The ACES Exhibition / Pripreme Za ACES Izlozbu

So, our ACES exhibition is getting closer, and we have taken our task to be creative very seriously and we have made many great drawings and works ... Our paintings will be ready in a day or two and there are many other students who will make something in the next couple of days. Here is a selection of some of our works! We like them very much! And we hope you will like them too! See you at the exhibition!