Osnovana je školske 1841/1842. godine. U sastav škole ulaze područna odeljenja u Nikoličevu i Trnavcu (četvororazredne škole). Škola ima oko stotinak učenika. Ime je dobila po srpskom piscu i prosvetitelju Dositeju Obradoviću.
The school was founded in 1841/1842. It was named after Serbian author, philosopher, linguist, traveler, polyglot and the first minister of education of Serbia - Dositej Obradovic.
Around one hundred pupils attend the school in Vrazogrnac, Nikolicevo and Trnavac.
The school was founded in 1841/1842. It was named after Serbian author, philosopher, linguist, traveler, polyglot and the first minister of education of Serbia - Dositej Obradovic.
Around one hundred pupils attend the school in Vrazogrnac, Nikolicevo and Trnavac.